Weekly-ish emails with tips to create powerful group containers for transformation.

Group Magic

Synthesize your most powerful work into
a high-caliber transformational group program—without over-giving, under-charging, or sacrificing client results.

You can bypass this hamster-wheel, scale-to-infinity, quantity-over-quality strategy and weave your genius into an intimate, high-touch, truly transformational group program or retreat.

Without watering down the amazing results you get with your 1-1 clients

→ Without under-charging for your brilliance, expertise, efforts, time + results.

→ Without creating endless modules (that overwhelm your clients anyway)

→ Without missing out on lucrative repeat client business because people didn’t complete your group program

→ And without having to sell 200 freaking programs every month to hit your revenue goal (and generate the audience required to convert that many people in the first place)

Did you know?

YOU CAN CRAFT GROUP PROGRAMS THAT get *better* results than your 1-on-1?

Group programs you feel confident and ethical charging a premium for?

And where your clients sign up for more because they’re getting SO MUCH out of it?

Hard to believe, I know.

Especially with all those $97 overstuffed “taster” courses flooding the internetsthat 90% of people don’t finish anywaysit might seem impossible to generate meaningful connections and tangible impact for your clients…

And not burn yourself out in the process. 

But this is NOT the only way to do groups. 

Because when you create a Connective Container™ and bring like-minded people together for a clear and shared purpose, it generates kinship, courage, unexpected synergy, and exponential wisdom. 

And it empowers your clients to achieve powerful results that simply cannot happen with 1-1 alone.

It’s basically, well… MAGIC. Get it? 

And when your clients fall in love with each other and make big shifts in their businesses & lives—they’ll keep working with you—and refer their friends

And that’s a little magic for your bottom line.

Group Magic

is a "SWEET SPOT" SIZE & method for structuring group programs that maximizes client CONNECTION + results while minimizing you bending over backwards for them.

✓ Lead from your purpose. By leading from your genius zone only, you’ll finally feel confident letting go of the misaligned work that drains you and charging the rates your most powerful work is worth.

✓ Enjoy more free time. Let go of perfection, and find the elusive “time leverage” that’s possible when you lead groups without 87 modules, 24-hour Voxer access and/or too many private sessions. And then USE that free time to, you know, hang out.

✓ Increase your impact. The magic of community & connection will permeate every aspect of your program—from bigger results for your clients, to the ripple effects in their lives, to the meaningful things YOU can generate when you aren’t depleted by all those 1-1’s and little taster courses.

✓ Earn more money: Exceptionally-crafted programs mean better results, more repeat clients, and referrals – which equals less marketing and launching + more profits in the long run. (Please don’t expect insta-results.)

The way most of us HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO DO groups has us missing out on all theSE benefits. Instead, we end up waaaay over-giving, undercharging – AND THE QUALITY OF OUR PROGRAMS SUFFERS.

So What Can We Do Instead?

We create a powerful container for transformation to occur. 

We call this the Connective Container™

This container fosters both the tangible results and authentic community that are the two key factors that keep folks working with you in the long term.

Spoiler alert:


You’re an experienced coach/therapist/healer who’s likely already led group programs…

But are you getting the results, repeat clients, ease, and JOY from your groups that you really want? If you are, great! 

And if not… 

…You can learn to design in the unseen structures and methods necessary to lead and hold a group that’s in high integrity and truly delivers on its promises – and cultivates a unique, community-oriented experience that has folks psyched to keep working with you – and not to mention, telling all their friends. 

There’s a better way to approach this.


Hi, I’m Julie

And I’ve created hundreds of communal experiences—from  activist conferences, spiritual festivals, and Burning Man camps to epic vacations, fancy nonprofit fundraisers, and business trainings + retreats of all shapes & sizes…

For several years, I coached entrepreneurs in both a 1-on-1 and a group format… until 2020 came and changed ev-er-y-thing. After an intentional hiatus (damn did I need a break) I came to a kind of “duh” realization—

My clients were getting BETTER RESULTS in my groups than they were 1-1. And *I* was happier, more fulfilled, less stressed, and more prosperous when I leaned into my innate gifts as an experience designer– and showed my clients how to craft the containers for transformational group experiences for their clients.

Look, I’m no empire builder. I’m a mom who wants to spend more time exercising, crafting, and playing with my kid. I’m happy making good money with a small team and an ultra-simple business model — that relies on high-quality programs, repeat clients and consistent referrals.

And that’s what I’m here to support you with — I help seasoned coaches & healers step into their roles as leaders & guides, create kick-ass programs they’re super proud of, and bring them one step closer on their journey toward a truly enjoyable and sustainable business.  

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